Kaleb Graduates

December 11, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

So this blog is entirely overdue and completely personal!  I fell short as a mom on this one.  Our oldest son graduated in June of this year.  I haven't posted a single picture of that day since and here's why.  We had a ton of family come in that week from out of town.  Our Peterson family had never been to our home so, as I am sure you can imagine, I was in a frenzy to try to make things perfect (boy was that a flop).  As everyone was leaving town, I was busy shooting sessions and weddings and craziness.  I lost track of the CF Card that his graduation pictures were on.  I couldn't find it anywhere and I was completely freaked out that I had lost it and I was convinced it had fallen out of my camera bag at a wedding I had done at Founders Inn.  I called Founders and nobody had turned it in.  It had been in the back of my mind for months and occasionally I would stop and look for it and when I couldn't find it I would get mad at myself.  I finally determined I had lost it somewhere in the course of the craziness.  Then a couple weeks ago I was shooting a wedding at Founder's Inn and low and behold I FOUND it!  It was tucked deep down in a side pocket of my camera bag.  I am positive I had checked there numerous times.  I don't know how it came to be there and frankly I'm just so thankful it showed up that I don't care how it got there.

This boy of mine...my sweet, crazy, dances to the beat of his own wonky drum son of mine.  He graduated high school!  What a huge accomplishment for a boy who has had many struggles over the years.  He gave us small and big heart attacks over the course of his short life and I'm almost positive most of my grey hairs (that you will NEVER see unless you are my hairdresser) are from this crazy kid.  However, this man child has grown up to show us that he almost always has the best of intentions, the sweetest heart and a great sense of humor - not to mention he's incredibly intelligent.   

Before Kaleb was born I was told that the likelihood of having children wasn't good.  As a matter of fact, I was told it was close to impossible.  Having grown up with such a love of children and a deep desire to be a mom that devastated me.  Then he came along and quite honestly he is my angel and my miracle.  He's not perfect but he's perfectly ours.  He taught us how to love, how to be parents and we grew up with him.  

Watching him cross that stage in June and receive his high school diploma was one of my very proudest moments.  The moments since then have been rocky for him but he's finding his footing the best way he can.  He has moved to Colorado, is working in the construction field and is figuring out life is expensive, hard and that things don't happen unless you make them happen.  He's cut off a part of a finger, he's struggled with money and he's learned that making friends outside of school is hard.  But every day he does the best that he can and he's trying hard to grow up to be his best self.  

Kaleb we are very proud of the man you are becoming and the steps you are taking to be a better you.  Keep up the good work son.


Kaleb with his cousin Niki since she didn't go to the ceremony


Silly faces and selfies with your big brother is what you do when he's graduating and having his big moment right?  (yup they're mine)


Kaleb's big moment!


Kaleb with his Peterson's grandparents (Eric's parents) who came all of the way from Kansas (and quite frankly rarely travel)


Kaleb with his Nana (my mom) who flew in the night before from Colorado


Kaleb with his Aunt Tierney (my sister) who drove in from Colorado with her two kids a few days early to help me get ready for the influx of family.  Her husband came the day after Kaleb graduated and was there to celebrate with us.



Kaleb with his Aunt Linda and Aunt Sherrie (Eric's sisters) who came all of the way from Kansas to see this moment.


Kaleb with our close friends Lisa and Scott who have been there with Kaleb through every milestone in the last 10 years.


and here is a rare moment you will find of me and my husband in front of the camera with our graduate.


Kaleb with his baby sister and one of his closest friends (even if at times they won't admit it)




The Whole Family


The Graduate





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