Anna's Apothecary

June 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I need to start out by apologizing to my friends Sara and Anna.  This blog was supposed to happen a LONG time ago!  Business and life has been a little hectic around here with huge changes both professionally and personally. That said, this blog is also one of the most important to me.  

See these two amazing, talented and incredibly intelligent women?

KMP_0944Anna & Sara Owner's of Anna's Apothecary

Meet Anna (she studied Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Herbalism at Denver Metro) and Sara (her expertise is in Earthworks: gardens, permaculture and whole systems design within these realms.  She holds four permaculture certifications).  These sisters own and operate Anna's Apothecary together.  So needless to say they are on top of their game when it comes to owning a business like this.  They are from my hometown of Woodland Park, CO and we went to high school together. I can't say we were close friends but in a small town like ours used to be, everyone knows each other.  In our small town, we all have tried our best to support each others endeavors and I have felt so much support from my former classmates that I wanted to pay that forward.  When the idea came to me to start highlighting small businesses around the Colorado Springs area, they were the first I thought of.  When I approached Sara with the idea, she didn't even skip a beat.  She told me to come on by and go for it.  


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I'll be honest, I didn't know what to expect.  I mean, what's an Apothecary anyway?  I knew a little from a talk Sara and I had at our reunion a few years back but not enough to help educate anyone.  This is going to sound awful but, in full honesty, I actually thought it would be a dark, sort of dingy place that smelled of patchouli and not enough soap.  Let me tell you, my eyes were opened immensely just by walking to the door.  This place is a little magical and a lot of healing!  It's bright and beautiful and wonderful!!!  I had arrived in town just a day or two before and had been on the go from the time I landed.  The minute I walked into the Apothecary, there was just this overwhelming peaceful feeling that came over me and something that told me to slow down and enjoy my time there. KMP_0935KMP_0935 KMP_0936KMP_0936

So, after photographing the Apothecary, I sat down with these beautiful women and picked their brains.  They educated me on lots of things that day and I wanted to share some of it with all of you.  I wish I could share it all with you but that would make this blog WAY too long and besides you should drop in and meet them and hear what they are all about yourselves.  I will tell you that I didn't leave Anna's empty handed.  I purchased a cough syrup for my son who had a horrible cough from the moment he got to Colorado Springs and a tincture for my allergies.  Both of these things, worked amazingly well.  I hope you take something away from this blog and if you are currently in or ever get the chance to visit the Colorado Springs area, I HIGHLY recommend you stop by.  Please tell them I sent you.

1.  What is the mission for Anna's Apothecary?

  • The mission for us is to empower people toward wholeness and wellness.  Guiding people to "heal thyself", as well as, inspiring herbal remedies to the mainstream. 

2.  What would you want someone who's never been to an apothecary to know about yours?

  • That this is a place of healing.  It is a place of understanding and wellness; guided by organic, powerful and wholesome herbal remedies. Most of all that we care deeply for our clientele.  (I can tell you this was very apparent to me as I just sat back and observed these two interact with their customers that came in while I was there.  They could have just asked each person what they were coming in for and handed them something based on their face value answer but instead they took their time with every customer, asked questions and helped them find what would work best for them)

3.  Why would someone want to choose an Apothecary over modern medicine?

  • Herbalism is generally very safe.  It has few side effects and the benefits are that they can help bring the body into balance.  They are affordable and accessible, as well as, powerful and effective.

4.  Can you explain exactly what a tincture is?

  • A tincture is a highly concentrated herbal extract.  We use a 190 proof, pharmaceutical grade, organic cane alcohol to extract the herbal properties.  They have a shelf life of about 45 years!  (Can you imagine having a medication that is all natural, didn't contain poisons and didn't have to be tossed after 3 months?)



5.  Do you offer any types of Community Outreach and/or education?  If so, what do you offer?

  • Yes!  We offer monthly classes on various Herbal Remedies, which include lecture and lab.  We, also, frequently donate to individuals and events.

6.  What does the future look like for Anna's Apothecary?

  • We are putting greater effort into the growing side of things on my 400 acres of land.

7.  Who were the strongest influences for both of you?

  • Anna:  My strongest influences are my Professor at Metro, Dr. Linda White and Rosemary Gladstar

  • Sara:  A varying group of mentors who have graced my life since my 20's to include Becky Elder:  Blue Planet Earthscapes, gardening and permaculture mentor; Larry Stebbins:  Pikes Peak Urban Gardens for gardening, farming and biodynamics; Erik Running:  Solidarity of Hope Community and Community Gardens; Susan Gordon:  Head Farmer and Director of Venitucci Farm and all around bad ass, no nonsense, activist, organic farmer and leadership mentor.  As well as, countless other farmers and community activists.

8. For those that can't make it to Manitou often, is it possible to order from you online?

  • Absolutely! Please visit us at:

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KMP_0938KMP_0938 KMP_0947KMP_0947 I wish nothing but the very best to these beautiful women.  I look forward to visiting them every chance I get.


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